Phinix Nano Tower by Mike Krysztofiak

Written by Antony Leather

July 10, 2012 | 09:21

Tags: #itx #itx-case-mod #mini-itx #mini-itx-case #mini-itx-case-mod #water-cooled #watercooled-itx

Companies: #bit-tech

I would like to thank all the members of bit-tech forum for being with me at all times of building this project, and for all their kind words. It was quite a ride, I loved every single minute working on my Tower and I hope everyone liked it too. I said it after I finished Phinix Cube and will say it again - it's fantastic that we all are a part of huge modding community, where we can share our work, thoughts, ideas and support.

I would like to send a huge thanks to all my supporting companies, who believed in my project and helped me out BIG time! My thanks go to DFI, Crucial, MNPCTECH, EKWB, Phenoptix, Aquatuning and Antec. Separate thanks go to Tom from ChilledPC, who always supported my projects and helped me out with his services.

Now, it’s time for final photos!
Till next time, fellow modders…

Phinix Nano Tower by Mike Krysztofiak Conclusion and Eye Candy Phinix Nano Tower by Mike Krysztofiak Conclusion and Eye Candy
Click to enlarge

Phinix Nano Tower by Mike Krysztofiak Conclusion and Eye Candy Phinix Nano Tower by Mike Krysztofiak Conclusion and Eye Candy
Click to enlarge

Phinix Nano Tower by Mike Krysztofiak Conclusion and Eye Candy Phinix Nano Tower by Mike Krysztofiak Conclusion and Eye Candy
Click to enlarge

Phinix Nano Tower by Mike Krysztofiak Conclusion and Eye Candy Phinix Nano Tower by Mike Krysztofiak Conclusion and Eye Candy
Click to enlarge

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